Senate Rules Committee Contact

Due to the pandemic and physical distancing policies, seating for committee hearings may be limited for the press and the public. All are invited to watch our hearing from their live webcast on the Senate website in We encourage the public to submit written testimony prior to the hearing on governorship appointments and all other matters to be The deadline for letters is Tuesday noon before a hearing on Wednesday or noon the day before the hearing. Please note that any written testimony submitted to the committee is considered a public statement and may be recorded in the minutes or reprinted. The Capitol will be open to attend committee hearings, but the public is invited to participate via the web portal or by phone. Note: In order for your statement to be heard clearly, you must mute all devices you use to livestream the committee hearing before calling the conference call. Please do not testify hands-free or Bluetooth, this can result in acoustic feedback and make it very difficult to hear your testimony. For a more detailed explanation of the conference call instructions, click on “Teleconference Instructions”.

Information on a call for evidence option will be provided and updated the day before the hearing. Senator Toni G. Atkins (Chair)Senator Patricia C. Bates (Deputy Chair)Senator Shannon GroveSenator Sydney KamlagerSenator John Laird.