What Is the Legal Age You Can Swear

If you think your child is swearing to fit in socially, try explaining why they think their friends swear. You could talk about other ways your child may feel accepted. For example, there might be another “cool” phrase your child could use. This is really the only valid answer, because it is a very personal decision that each parent will make for themselves. Along with that comes the whole question of what is a dirty word versus what is not related to context. While it`s probably not a good idea to curse in public, most states won`t punish you for it unless it`s followed by threats or words of combat. Some states, such as Virginia, still have pre-Civil War laws that make “profane swearing” a Class 4 offense. Similarly, in Mississippi, you might see 30 days in the county jail swearing desecrating or swearing in front of two or more people. Language that incites violence: This is language designed to incite people to violence or illegal acts. In Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S.

444, 89 pp. C. 1827, 23 L. Ed. 2d 430 [1969], the BGH provided additional guidance indicating that the promotion of illegal activities is protected unless “such promotion is intended to incite or cause imminent illegal acts and is likely to incite or provoke such acts”. My daughter tells me her story of swearing. She says she just started randomly going out “What is that?!” and covering her mouth in Grade 3. In Grade 4, she simply used “stupid,” “idiot,” and “stupid,” but never to offend anyone. In Grade 5, she said, “What about H-E double hokeysticks?!” And: “Oh, cr`p!” And “Dang/Darn it!”. In high school, she was allowed to use the word sh**, b-word and a few others, but never offended.

Now she`s in college and she can say whatever she wants. She tells me that when she was in Grade 2, she said, “What is the… Then she would interrupt her sentence, and I would scold her. But I learned that if you hear your child say a kiss of any intensity, you need to ask your child to say if it doesn`t sound an alarm. In other words, if your ten-year-old growls, it`s okay if it`s just “Dang it!” And no, “F U!” The Constitution protects your right to free speech in the First Amendment, but that doesn`t mean you can say whatever you want and get away with it. States have different views on swearing, and those views have shaped the way they regulate it. Your child will hear words in public that you have declared unacceptable. It is good to be prepared for this situation. If your child asks you why someone uses a dirty word, you may be talking about how people from different families have different rules.

When should I curse a child? How do I know they understand exactly what they are saying? What can I do to make sure they are aware of the offensive meaning and do not use language if it is not appropriate? If you want to discourage swearing in the long run, it`s a good idea for the adults in your family to discuss and agree on acceptable language and discuss it with your child. You can`t stop people from berating your child when you`re outside, but you can help your child learn what`s okay in your family. For example, in some families, phrases like “Oh my God” are fine, but other words are not. Children can also swear to adapt socially. They may try to be part of the group or stand out by being funny or adding shock value to their speech. Children might also imitate others when they curse. While the constitutionality of these laws can be challenged, few states make it illegal to curse minors. In Georgia, for example, swearing in the presence of someone under the age of 14 is considered disorderly behavior, while Michigan recently repealed an outdated law that made it illegal to curse a minor. Obscenity creates addiction.

People who regularly swear in one type of situation will have a hard time protecting themselves in another situation (however, some people will be able to handle this better than others). Under Indianapolis` general rules, children under the age of 14 can be fined for swearing. Knowing why your child swears can help you decide the best way to respond. It`s usually a good idea to talk to school-aged children and teens about their choice of words. You may or may not understand the meaning of a swearword. But they understand that words can hurt or offend others. When is actually not a good question because it is ambiguous. This could be the age of the child or a situation where swearing would be allowed. Unfortunately, it`s very subjective when you let them do this. The online gambling subculture, in particular, has a level of obscenity and outright abuse that would be unacceptable in any other social situation. I think most would say that parents will usually frown as long as the child lives with them. In summary – as always, try to use common sense.

Choose your reaction based on all the factors you consider important: age, gender, situation, people present, monsters, etc. Try to be consistent with your punishments and their situations. Make sure you know the type and amount of swearing your child does. React if this threshold is exceeded. A few more thoughts: I would never encourage swearing. If your child doesn`t get the bad habit at school, never introduce it. Some children will continue to cross the boundaries of swearing after being told not to. If you find yourself in this situation, you can try the following strategies: Aside from all the obvious places/situations where they shouldn`t curse, we allow our kids to reflect our swearing. What`s interesting is that you get “mirror comments” in your own language. My wife (very clichéd Italian) was very surprised to hear her own language reflected. Gender: It may not be politically correct, but I think women should curse less than men, preferably not at all.

Whenever I hear a girl/woman swearing, especially if it`s not necessary, it really grinds my gears. Never – my kids know the swearing is coming, and they`ve heard all the words at school, but they know that if we hear them swear before they`re 18, they`re going to be in serious trouble! I swore worse than a naval gunner in high school, but I feel like it limited my options in the past. I know kids go to curse at school, but I don`t want them to think I`m okay because kids swear at school.